The universe in a mural

Lab alum Eliza Hillenkamp (c/o 2024) was featured in the Amherst e-News for her incredible mural!

Located on the penthouse floor of the Science Center (on the way to the Amherst College Observatory), Eliza’s mural depicts some of the most interesting events in the thermal history of the universe. Eliza started the mural in her junior year as an independent study project with Prof. Kate Follette, then continued it into her senior year with Prof Mia. She finished it just in time to hold an art opening (complete with red carpet and press coverage!) just before graduation.

Check out the awesome news article about Eliza’s work here!

Photo by Jesse Gwilliam

Eliza is now working as an Astronomy Intern at Glacier National Park in Montana—and this fall, she’ll start a postbac program at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, VA.

Congratulations on all of your achievements, Eliza! We are so proud of you!


Summer 2024